Through the sacrament of Baptism, each person receives a "call", or vocation. All are asked to serve the other and to strive for holiness. This call can be lived out in a variety of ways: as a married or single person, or as a priest, brother, or sister.
Vocation Events for 2025
Young men, ages 16-30 are invited to Maryvale Convent in Valley City, ND for one weekend in February of each year to hear about seminary life and the priesthood. If you feel you are open to God's call but have not done anything to actively discern it, then this weekend is for you.
The weekend is free, but registration is required by January 31.
Bishop Folda and Fr. Kyle Metzger, the director of vocations, invite women ages 16-30 who are open to religious life to join them for an evening of prayer, dinner, and fellowship. They will be joined by consecrated religious women sharing their own vocation stories of discernment. It is typical for women to be accompained by their pastor, a consecrated religious, or a friend. Call our office if you are interested in attending a dinner and we will add your name to our contacts and keep you updated of future events as they are scheduled.
National Vocation Awareness Week is the annual week-long celebration in the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life. It’s a time to renew our prayers and encourage and support those in our families, our parish, and our diocese who are considering one of these particular vocations.
Here are some sample Prayers for Vocations.
The vocation office organizes a few dinners throughout the fall and winter months for young men who are open to the priesthood. The dinners serve as an opportunity to visit with Bishop Folda and other priests and to ask questions in a relaxed and inviting setting.
Seats fill up quickly. Contact your pastor or the vocation director if you are interested in attending.