Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a way of life. While NFP provides a scientifically sound means of achieving or avoiding pregnancy, it is so much more. NFP is a way of life that allows couples to build on their marriage relationship with greater trust, care, and concern, and to experience the ways of true love.
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As a married or engaged couple, you may be learning about Natural Family Planning (NFP) for the first time. While instruction in a method of NFP can focus on the biology of our fertility, the practice of NFP can mean far more. Couples have asked some common questions about the Church’s teaching on human sexuality and a helpful website is available to provide answers to help you grow in understanding God’s plan of life and love for you.
Interested in learning more about the four different Natural Family Planning methods present in the Diocese of Fargo? Click the button below to find a brief overview of the distinctive features of each one.
Also available:
For more information on the NFP Methods taught in the Diocese of Fargo visit their websites:
The Diocese of Fargo NFP Program is endorsed by the Diocesan Development Program for Natural Family Planning of the USCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities. This program has met the established standards for diocesan programs in providing quality NFP services that integrate Catholic Church teaching on human sexuality and marriage.