by Whitney Somsen | Religious Education Coordinator at St. James Basilica
Many serve the Church in humble and obscure obedience, seeking not the admiration of their peers. However, on some occasions, recognition is given and should be celebrated. These two women from Jamestown received the recognition.
The people of St. Philip's in Hankinson are grateful for the generosity of the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in Hankinson. They are using the sisters' chapel temporarily until further notice.
In mid-November, a memorial with the words, “Honoring the children, sending hope and comfort to their families,” was placed at the Oak Creek Cemetery in Bottineau.
St. Philip's Church in Hankinson suffered a devastating fire on December 16, 2024. The congregation has found temporary worship spaces at the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen and local Lutheran churches.
by Brady Borslien | Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Fargo
Brady Borslien, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Fargo, shares his testimony and how he came to find the Catholic faith and ultimately convert to it.
by David Tamisiea, JD, PhD | Executive director of the ND Catholic Conference
David Tamisiea, JD, PhD discusses the Catholic Church's teaching on the importance of parental rights in education. He emphasizes that parents are the primary educators of their children and have the right to choose the best educational environment.
by Matthew Samson | Pre-Theology II; Mount St. Mary Seminary; Emmitsburg, Md.
Matthew Samson, a seminarian of the diocese of Fargo, gives a reflection on the power of intercessory prayer and how he has felt the effects of it in his own life.
by Sister Constance Veit, lsp | Little Sisters of the Poor
Sister Constance Veit, lsp from the Little Sisters of the Poor digs into the topic of loneliness and the epidemic of our time and how food can help foster connections and fight this epidemic.
One of the most significant events of this past year was the National Eucharistic Congress held in Indianapolis. Close on its heels came our own diocesan Eucharistic Congress in Jamestown. Both of these events drew us into an encounter with Christ in the Eucharist, his sacramental Real Presence among us. Both of these events were part of an ongoing Eucharistic Revival taking place over three years throughout our country.
by Father Steven Wirth | Pastor of churches in Fessenden, Esmond, and Maddock
Father Steven Wirth, pastor of churches in Fessenden, Esmond, and Maddock, dives into the question of what gives the Church authority. Click now to read his answer.