Parishioners at St. Philip’s Church in Hankinson have gone through much heartache after fire broke out in their church late in the afternoon of Dec. 16, 2024. Since the fire, they have been attending Mass at the chapel of the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in Hankinson, and they are grateful for their new, if temporary, church home.
“A building is just what it is, a building,” said parishioner Alton Theede. “We go to church at a lot of places and this is part of it. Things change.”
“We are so grateful, said Alton’s wife Mary Kay. “They have been so nice for sharing this beautiful chapel. We hug them and thank them. We’re feeling very blessed.”
Offering the church space to St. Philip’s parish was a foregone conclusion for the sisters, given their 97-year history with the parish and the people of Hankinson.
“The decision to offer the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel for use by the parish was immediate,” said convent superior Sister Jean Louise Schafer. “In the early years when the convent was being built, when there were larger novitiate classes, the parish church was often used for our religious profession ceremonies, because it could accommodate more people. So there was no question in my mind that now they could use our space as long as they need it!”
It’s not yet known how long that might be. As of the writing of this article some of the pews, stations of the cross, and statuary have been removed from the damaged church, but the investigation into the cause of the fire and if or when to rebuild is still being investigated and discussed.
“It is truly providential that, despite the fire, God provided a home for our parish,” said Deacon James Hunt of St. Philip’s Church. “I haven’t seen a decline (in attendance), but I do see some new faces in the pews at Mass. For all of this we are so grateful that God is expanding our capacity to love and welcome others, just as the sisters have done for us.”
On Jan. 26, a benefit supper to help St. Philip’s with expenses was held at the Hankinson Community Center, sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Church and Emanuel Church of Christ, both in Hankinson. More on this ecumenical event will be available in the March issue of New Earth.