by Kristina Bloomsburg | Assistant Editor of New Earth
When I saw that the St. Gianna and Pietro Molla Maternity Home in Warsaw, N.D. had a book written about their story, I knew I needed to get my hands on it.
I’ve had the privilege to visit the maternity home a few times, most notably when I interviewed a mother who lived there for a New Earth article several years ago. Listening to this young mother share about the growth, healing, and support she received during the time she lived there moved me to tears. It’s abundantly clear that God is present in this place. More recently, I visited Warsaw for the feast of St. Gianna in April 2024 to receive a blessing with St. Gianna’s relics and again received the gift of tears and many graces, perhaps some yet to unfold. The home is not only a place where women and babies find support, but where prayers are answered and conversions continue to take place.
A Story of Faith, Hope and Love begins with the life of St. Gianna and her family, the inspiration of the home. Slowly and then quickly, by the grace of God, the inspiration of St. Gianna’s life brings together countless members of the eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota community to fulfill a dream: the presence of a maternity home in the area. The book includes insights from the founder, board members, community members who helped renovate the building, housemothers who’ve cared for the mothers who’ve lived there, couples who’ve adopted children born to those mothers, and of course, the resident mothers themselves.
Before reading this book, I had no idea just how many people have come together over the years to make this home a reality. It’s a beautiful testament to God’s genius. “The Saint Gianna family is huge,” said Mary Pat Jahner, founder of the home. “If we would have had a millionaire give us a bunch of money, it would have been easy. It would have seemed right and what we needed, but we wouldn’t have what we have today. We have people who are loyal and faithful. We have people who are part of our family and a part of our work. It wasn’t easy at the beginning, but we’ve got a big family, and they care about us (p. 25).”
A Story of Faith, Hope and Joy is a story about how one ordinary woman’s sacrifice in Italy inspired many to go on a mission. It’s a shining example of what a community can do when united in a common goal.
The St. Gianna and Pietro Molla Maternity Home celebrated 20 years in 2024. This book is the celebration of countless graces and prayers answered throughout that time in this small community in the Diocese of Fargo.
To order a copy, contact the St. Gianna and Pietro Molla Maternity Home at [email protected].